
Apache configuration file not rebuilding due to: "/usr/local/apache/conf.modules.d: No such file or directory" Apache configuration file not rebuilding due to: "/usr/local/apache/conf.modules.d: No such file... Blocking spoofed mails going out from your cPanel/WHM server to protect it from blacklists 1. Login to WHM >> EXIM CONFIGURATION MANAGER >> ADVANCED EDITOR 2. Add the... Can't add or delete any ModSecurity vendor in cPanel? can't remove or add anyyou  If ModSecurity vendor ruleset at cPanel/WHM server, run the following... Can't update cPanel due to failed or aborted transfers Symptoms If an account transfer fails to complete or you abort it, you cannot update cPanel, and... Change cPanel Document Root for Subdomain In WHM there is a "Restrict document roots to public_html" setting. If you have enabled that... CloudLinux Statistics showing API connection errors? First of all, run the following command to get the result, if your server is able to connect with... Create a new email account on cPanel with SSH If you use cpanel for hosting your website, then all mail features can be managed through the... Deploy Comodo ModSecurity Rule Set in cPanel Comodo ModSecurity protection rules are now integrated into cPanel/WHM and can be activated from... Domain names are not showing in WHM We were unable to see any domains listed under WHM -> List Accounts. However, we can see the... Enable Password Authentication and Disable Public Keys in SSH SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure protocol used for remote server access. By default, SSH uses... Failed to create a temporary API token on account transfer If you encounter an error message like "Failed: '$user' failed to create a temporary API token... Fix "The MySQL server is currently offline" issue in cPanel If you're experiencing issues with the latest version of MariaDB on some cPanel accounts and the... Fix - A DNS entry for 'domain_name' already exists! While adding the addon domain under cPanel, one of our staff was getting errors as below: A DNS... Fix - Failed to load SSL libraries or certificate on cPanel If you had faced the issue that the cPanel service is getting stopped from the server, again and... Fix - MultiPHP INI Editor options not visible Some of our clients recently reported to us that, they were unable to change any values of... Fix Email Issue on a server using the MSFE To solve the problem of not sending/receiving email on a server using the MSFE / Mailscanner... Fix security token missing logging into cPanel You would need to edit /var/cpanel/cpanel.config file for this line: xsrftokens=1 Please... Fix the chmod/403 issue of "public_html" directory Hello, one of our clients reported us recently, some of his websites can't be accessed. He gets... Fix: WordPress Temporary Directory on cPanel Server To fix the WordPress Temporary Directory with wp-config, you can follow these steps: Open... Fixing 502 Server Errors in JetBackup & Gdrive Backups Fixing 502 Server Errors in JetBackup & Gdrive Backups In case your cPanel accounts... Fixing JetBackup SSH Config for Destination Registration Error: Registering Destination... Failed - Error: Warning: Permanently added 'xx.xx.xx.xx'... Hello, one of our clients reported us recently, some of his websites can't be accessed. He gets the message: 403 Forbidden. He checked, ModSec isn't triggering it. Then he contacted us, and we found that chmod aka permissions of "public_html" was wrong, it was 000. We tried to change it from the File Manager and CLI but failed. Then, we've able to fix the issue after checking RPMs, perls. Here's the solution for you: Run the command to get the lists with the cPanel accounts having the issue: for i in `cat /etc/trueuserdomains | awk '{print $2}'` do chown $i.$i /home/$i -R; chown $i.mail /home/$i/etc -R; chown $i.nobody /home/$i/public_html; chmod 750 /home/$i/public_html; done; The output would be like that: [root@server71 ~]# for i in `cat /etc/trueuserdomains | awk '{print $2}'` > do > chown $i.$i /home/$i -R; > chown $i.mail /home/$i/etc -R; > chown $i.nobody /home/$i/public_html; > chmod 750 /home/$i/public_html; > done; chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/cpuser01/public_html’: Operation not permitted chmod: changing permissions of ‘/home/cpuser01/public_html’: Operation not permitted chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/cpuser02/public_html’: Operation not permitted chmod: changing permissions of ‘/home/cpuser02/public_html’: Operation not permitted chown: changing ownership of ‘/home/cpuser03/public_html’: Operation not permitted chmod: changing permissions of ‘/home/cpuser03/public_html’: Operation not permitted [root@server71 ~]# Here's you can see, the issue on the accounts: cpuser01, cpuser02, and cpuser03. Now, to change attribute, run: chattr -i /home/username/public_html Do not forget to replace "username" with the origin cPanel username. At last, to fix the issue of chmod/permissions of public_html, run the command first command of the topic. If you're facing the problem do the following: Run the CMD to check the dir/file is exists or... How do I change the primary IP of my cPanel server? Log into the SSH (root). Open a terminal and start "screen". Modify /etc/wwwacct.conf file and... How do I check for missing cPanel rpms & install? Introduction How can I check and reinstall an RPM for cPanel that is missing or not yet... How to Check the Version of cPanel/WHM These instructions provide guidance on how to check the version of cPanel or WHM through the... How to Delete Pending Emails in the Exim Queue To delete pending emails in the Exim queue, follow these steps: 1. Check the total count of... How to Disable MySQL Strict Mode? Note: In order to make the following changes, you will need full root permissions for the... How to Enable FTP Access in cPanel/WHM server? If you want to upload files to your website using FTP, you need to enable FTP settings on your... How to Enable Ioncube on cPanel/WHM How to Enable Ioncube in cPanel/WHM     Procedure Login to WHM (root) Go to... How to Fix "Missing a Temporary Folder" Error in WP Many of us had faced the issue previously. Also, many of our clients contacted us because they... How to Fix Licensing Related Error/Issue on cPanel/WHM Make sure to run the following command line in order to check the issue of the cPanel license:... How to Install & Remove Wordpress Toolkit Deluxe If you want to install/remove/disable the WP toolkit manually on a cPanel server follow:... How to Install CpCleaner in cPanel through SSH? Installation Run the following shell commands as root via SSH: wget -O cpc-1.0.3.tar... How to Install JetBackup 5 on cPanel/WHM server? Prepare the environment for JetApps: yum install... How to Install Memcached on cPanel/WHM server In cPanel 11.88 Memcached is now available in the EasyApache4 yum repo. This tutorial installs... How to Install ionCube Loader in cPanel/WHM Server In this article, we will discuss how to install ionCube Loader in the cPanel server using CLI. A... How to Install the Redis Module for PHP on a cPanel Server Step 1: Log in to your server Log in to your cPanel server using your SSH client of choice.... How to Reset Bandwidth Usage for a cPanel User to Zero Open a terminal or SSH client. Run the following command: curl -Ls... How to Secure a cPanel/WHM Web Server Here are a few basic steps that you should keep in mind for keeping a server secure. 1) Strong... How to Skip WHM Initial Setup Wizard When Stuck If you have recently ran upcp and the WHM initial setup wizard is stuck in a URL like the... How to Start/Stop or Restart Apache server How to Uninstall ClamAV on a cPanel Server If you are looking to remove ClamAV from your cPanel server, you can easily do so using the... How to change the SSH port on Linux server To locate and edit the sshd_config file to change the SSH port, follow these steps: 1. Find... How to check the ownership of a domain name? There are some methods to check the ownership of a domain name in the cPanel/WHM server. Below... How to clear /tmp on CentOS (RHEL)/Ubuntu Server If your /tmp is too small, then you will face /tmp full issue. cPanel by default create /tmp with... How to delete all error_log files on a cPanel server This command will search in all /home/*/public_html directories (also in subdirectories) for... How to disable automatic updates of cPanel Many of our clients are would like to disable automatic updates of the cPanel/WHM server.Run the... How to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version?   How to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version? Many of our clients asked us how can they downgrade... How to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version? Many of our clients asked us how can they downgrade the cPanel/WHM version of their server.... How to enable SpamAssassin by default SpamAssassin identify unsolicited bulk email, more commonly known as spam, and send it to a... How to enable all scripts (premium) of Softaculous? This is the command for cPanel/WHM: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php... How to enable all scripts (premium) of Softaculous? This is the command for cPanel/WHM: /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/bin/php... How to enable root login alerts on cPanel server For security reasons, you would like to get an alert to your mailbox if someone logins to the... How to find system and cPanel log file’s locations A wide range of log files are accessible for review in case you encounter issues with your VPS... How to fix "Script timeout passed" on phpMyAdmin Just add the following configuration setting to the PHPMyAdmin configuration at... How to fix DB Connection Error of RoundCube Issue :Getting below error for RoundCube DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED!Unable to connect... How to fix IP Missing issue on cPanel/WHM How to fix MySQL Extension Missing Issue? If you're getting the issue on your WordPress website: "Your PHP installation appears to be... How to fix Read-only file system on /var/tmp/ in whm/cpanel How to fix error: The system failed to create the temporary file /var/tmp/ because of an error:... How to fix a corrupted named.conf in cPanel server Sometimes named.conf gets corrupted on cPanel server. Here is the way to fix that in cpanel... How to fix defaultwebpage.cgi on a webserver How to fix read-only file system on /var/tmp Usually, file systems are running under Read-Only permissions and sometimes you will see this... How to increase /tmp & /usr/tmpDSK size in Linux 1. Connect to your server using SSH or WHM Terminal 2. Stop MySQL service and kill the... How to install Attracta SEO Tools plugin RequirementscPanel/WHM needs to be installed on your server. Step 1: SSH into your server and go... How to install Cpremote Backup Plugin on cPanel? How to install cPremote? cPremote is a cPanel backup plugin for managing backups. It’s a paid... How to install FleetSSL on a cPanel/WHM server Installation The plugin is distributed in RPM form as part of a yum repository for CentOS 6 and... How to install JetBackup Ver.4 on CentOS 6/7 64bit Follow these instructions to install the JetApps Plugin Manager on your cPanel server.Login to... How to install ModSecurity Tools in WHM In WHM, the ModSecurity Tools interface allows you to add and manage ModSecurity rules for your... How to install cPGuard on cPanel/DirectAdmin/Plesk Here's a short tutorial on how to install cpguard using the given command: Open a terminal... How to install cPShield-v2 in your cPanel/WHM? Installation Run the following command to install: wget -N... How to install cPanel/WHM on CentOS 7/8 x64bit Note The steps in this guide require root privileges. Be sure to run the steps below as root... How to install ionCube Loader V11 on PHP 7.4 Recently one of our clients asked us how he can install ionCube loader 11 on his server. Because... How to perform Reindex to sync the data on JetBackup This command will sync the data between the source server and the destination server. This... How to remove MySQL Governor from cPanel /WHM ? How to remove MySQL Governor from cPanel /WHM ? how to remove MySQL Governor, a CloudLinux LVE... How to remove all iptables rules from the server? To run this command to flush all the rules: iptables -F This command will print all the rules:... How to reset DNS Zone of a cPanel server by CLI? There's a regular way to reset the DNS zone of each domain name from the WHM interface. But, it... How to reset SSH port from cPanel/WHM server? If you forgot SSH port or SSH shell is not accessible because of a broken configuration or... How to resolve duplicate RPMs ? Procedure Instead of using --cleandupes use the following that will take the list of RPMs and... How to switch from mod_ruid2 to mod_suexec? Procedure Log in to WHM and go to EasyApache. Customize your current profile. Navigate... How to uninstall CloudLinux How to uninstall Cpnginx from the cPanel server? Run the following commands to remove Cpnginx from the cPanel server: Make sure to remove the... How to uninstall Cpremote from the cPanel server? Run the following commands to remove Cpremote from the cPanel server: Make sure to remove the... How to uninstall JetBackup V4/V5 from cPanel server? Make sure to check which version of JetBackup is installed on your server first. To uninstall... How to uninstall SitePad from various control panels? Uninstall in cPanelPlease execute the following commands : rm -rf /etc/cron.d/sitepadrm -rf... How to uninstall Softaculous Scripts' Auto Installer? To uninstall Softaculous from the cPanel/WHM control panel, run the following commands: rm -rf... How to uninstall WHMReseller v5 from cPanel server? Officially there's no uninstaller of WHMReseller v5 - cPanel/WHM addon. That's why we're writing... How to update cPanel/WHM version with SSH You can upgrade or re-upgrade to the latest version using the following command: /scripts/upcp... Increasing max upload file size in phpMyAdmin By default, PHPMyAdmin has a max upload size of 50 MiB. To increase this value on a cPanel server... Install Let's Encrypt SSL in cPanel/WHM Let's Encrypt is a popular open-source license that provides free SSL for your domains. To... Install Redis Server on Rocky Linux 8 / AlmaLinux 8 Redis is a fast, in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and... Install SitePad Website Builder in cPanel cPanel is the most used control panel in the World through which we can manage our websites and... Installing DNSOnly on a fresh CentOS 7 server Much like the cPanel/WHM installer for CentOS, cPanel has made it really easy to install the... JetBackup General Error – Fatal error: Uncaught MongoDB If you face the error, run the following command line: curl -Ls... JetBackup5: All valid cPanel accounts moved to Orphan list If you had the issue earlier with jetbackup5 please run the following commands: service... Let's Encrypt - "acme-v02" connection with IPv4 only Missing any Perl Modules in cPanel? Fix by installing Run the following command and wait till it end: /scripts/perlinstaller Task::Cpanel::Core Named.conf – How to fix a corrupted named.conf in cPanel Sometimes named.conf gets corrupted on the cPanel server. You can see that by creating a DNS... OPTIMIZE MYSQL & APACHE ON CPANEL/WHM SERVER On this optimization process we will go over the Apache core configuration and modules that are... Overcoming Common EasyApache PHP Installation Hurdles If you're trying to install a newer version of PHP using cPanel/WHM's EasyApache4, you may... Pre-REQs' for the Nodejs/NPM on cPanel Web Server For CentOS 7: yum install ea-ruby24-mod_passenger ea-apache24-mod_env -y yum install... Pure-FTPD service failed to restart on cPanel server You are trying to restart your server… and your FTP fails to start… or restart.... Recovery of Corrupted RPM Databases RPMs are the core of Linux systems. When you install software on the server, the software name... Restart Services On a cPanel/WHM Server How to restart services on a cPanel / WHM server cPanel and WHM is essentially a large number of... SOFTACOLOUS INSTALLATION NOT WORKING ON CPANEL, UNABLE TO INSTALL SOFTACOLOUS ON CPANEL [root@host ~]# ./install.shLoaded plugins: fastestmirror, universal-hooksLoading mirror speeds... SSH (Secure Shell) is a secure protocol used for remote server access. By default, SSH uses public key authentication. However, there may be cases where you want to switch to password authentication instead. This tutorial will guide you through the process of disabling public key authentication and enabling password authentication in SSH. Step 1: Log into SSH Connect to your server using SSH: ssh username@server_ip_address Step 2: Edit SSH configuration Open the SSH configuration file: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config Step 3: Modify "PasswordAuthentication" Find the line "PasswordAuthentication" and change "no" to "yes": PasswordAuthentication yes Step 4: Save and exit Save the file and exit the text editor. Step 5: Restart SSH service Restart the SSH service for changes to take effect: sudo service sshd restart Step 6: Log in with password authentication Use SSH to log in with your password: ssh username@server_ip_address Conclusion: By following these steps, you have successfully disabled public key authentication and enabled password authentication in SSH. Remember to use strong passwords to ensure the security of your server. Sometimes inside WHM when clicking the “change hostname” link or by running the following... Securing cPanel server from Symlink, and protect it What is Symlink? A symlink (also called a symbolic link) is a type of file that points to... Send Email From an IP without Authentication Since antirelayed is removed by the cPanel team from the latest cPanel, the situation might... Setting up a DNS cluster with cPanel & DNSOnly cPanel is the most used control panel in the World through which we can manage our websites and... Some ways to free up Disk Space on cPanel servers Getting customers is beneficial for any business but behind the scenes, we know that it causes... Suspend Outgoing Email for Specific User Run the following command: whmapi1 suspend_outgoing_email user=example Replace the cPanel... Suspend/Unsuspend Multiple accounts To suspend all accounts in WHM, following this command:   ls /var/cpanel/users | xargs -n1... The WebSocket handshake failed (error) at cPanel Terminal If you encounter an error message saying "Error: The WebSocket handshake failed" while... This command will sync the data between the source server and the destination server. This procedure is useful in the following cases: The non-empty destination was added (Destination that already contains backups made by JetBackup or cPanel). Data changed manually on the destination and JetBackup is not aware of the change (ie backup was manually deleted on the destination). Command: jetbackup -vfR reindex Command Alias: jetcli backup -vfR reindex Symptoms If you are experiencing corruption in the sqlite database such as: [2716099]... Unable to install ionCube loader on ea-php80? We're writing the topic on 08-March-2022. From the time or later, if you had installed cPanel/WHM... Unable to update cPanel version? Fix the issue now While running upcp if you come across the below error: 20150311.000907] Testing if... Upgrade from MySQL 8.x to MariaDB 10.x not possible? As for what can be done in such a case. If that’s a new server, your best way would be – cPanel... Webmail login, A fatal error or timeout occurred! Some clients reported us about the issue when they're trying to login to WebMail using their... Website still showing suspended after unsuspension Symptoms You may see websites under an account still showing suspended after the account is... [Solution] Error: initscripts conflicts on cPanel server When I ran "yum -y update" to update packages, it updated all but initscripts.x86_64. I got... cPanel /scripts/ - Powerful commands from cPanel iproute package conflict with old CloudLinux kernel packages iproute package conflict with old CloudLinux kernel packages   Error: iproute conflicts with... rebuildhttpconf error: "undefined symbol: ap_parse_strict_length" rebuildhttpconf error: "undefined symbol: ap_parse_strict_length"   Error type : httpd: Syntax...
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