How to Install & Remove Wordpress Toolkit Deluxe Print

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If you want to install/remove/disable the WP toolkit manually on a cPanel server follow:


sh <(curl || wget -O -


yum remove plesk-libstdc++6.3.0 plesk-libboost-1.65 plesk-libboost-system1.65 plesk-libboost-thread1.65 plesk-libboost-filesystem1.65 plesk-libboost-date-time1.65 plesk-libboost-regex1.65 plesk-libboost-serialization1.65 plesk-platform-runtime-1.0.2 plesk-libboost-program-options1.65 plesk-libpoco-1.9.0 log4cplus plesk-lmlib plesk-rdbmspp sw-cp-server sw-engine wp-toolkit-cpanel -y

Another Solution:

You can enable/disable the Feature Showcase with the presence of this touch file on the system:

touch /var/cpanel/activate/features/disable_feature_showcase

UPDATE: You can remove WordPress Toolkit from the Feature Showcase with this command:

touch /var/cpanel/activate/features/wordpress_toolkit_install

It's important to note that WPT does not auto-install on any system. It either needs to happen through the Feature Showcase link or manually on the command line.


License Update:

/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/wpt_license --update

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