How to install FleetSSL on a cPanel/WHM server Print

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The plugin is distributed in RPM form as part of a yum repository for CentOS 6 and 7.


  • Root SSH access to WHM
  • i386 or x86_64 CentOS 6 or 7 (5 is not supported)
  • WHM/cPanel of at least STABLE version or newer (CloudLinux and LSWS compatible)

Installation procedure


Yum repository

Add the letsencrypt package repository:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/letsencrypt.repo


Next, install the plugin through yum via

yum -y install letsencrypt-cpanel

The repository will install the plugin to the system - this might take a minute.

Now that the installation is complete, you should be able to login to any cPanel server on that server, and see the “Let’s Encrypt™ SSL” icon on the home screen. You should be able to immediately issue certificates, provided that the domain actually points to the server.

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