Unable to install ionCube loader on ea-php80? Print

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We're writing the topic on 08-March-2022. From the time or later, if you had installed cPanel/WHM on a fresh CentOS / AlmaLinux / Ubuntu server, the main PHP version of your server has been set with EA-PHP80. Because of PHP version 8.0, you are unable to install the ionCube loader to run our licensing system on your server.

As per ionCube officials, the ionCube loader does not support PHP version 8.0/8.1 yet. They are up to 7.4 supported for now. So the solution is to downgrade the main PHP version of your cPanel/WHM server. It won't affect any website where you've set a custom PHP version or, EA-PHP80 is set by default (and you didn't change it).

How can I change the main PHP version to 7.4?

Well, first you have to ensure that PHP version 7.4 is already installed with EasyApache4. You may run the following to check:

Check the installed and main PHP version of your cPanel/WHM server: php -v

If the output is like this:

[root@freedom ~]# php -v
PHP 8.0.17 (cli) (built: Mar 23 2022 07:36:32) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) The PHP Group
Zend Engine v4.0.17, Copyright (c) Zend Technologies
[root@freedom ~]#

it means the PHP version has been set to 8.0 as default. Now you need to downgrade it to 7.4 or older (if you wish to). Before downgrading let's check the installed ea-php versions on the server by running the following command line:

whmapi1 php_get_installed_versions | grep "ea-php"

If the output is like this:

[root@freedom ~]# whmapi1 php_get_installed_versions | grep "ea-php"
- ea-php74
- ea-php80
[root@freedom ~]#

It means ea-php74 is installed. If not installed yet, please log into your WHM, swipe to the "EasyApache" section, and perform the installation. If you are unable to install EA-PHP74 due to the license problem, please submit a ticket with your server's credentials. We'll perform the installation of EA-PHP74 on your server. Note it, you must have to purchase a license. 

Come to the main point. Since the ea-php74 is already installed, we can change the main PHP version of the server by running the following command line: 

whmapi1 php_set_system_default_version version=ea-php74

It will take some time to change the PHP version. Once it will be done, you'll see the output like this:

[root@freedom ~]# whmapi1 php_set_system_default_version version=ea-php74
data: {}

command: php_set_system_default_version
reason: OK
result: 1
version: 1
[root@freedom ~]#

Finally verify that the PHP version of your server has been set to 7.4 by running the command: php -v

Now you will be able to run the requirements script to perform the automatic installation of the ionCube loader on your cPanel/WHM server, and you will be able to install the cPanel/WHM license from your end without any problem.

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