How to install ModSecurity Tools in WHM Print

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In WHM, the ModSecurity Tools interface allows you to add and manage ModSecurity rules for your server.

You need to first install the ModSecurity Apache module in order to use this feature.
WHM >> Home >> Software >> EasyApache 4
You can install ModSecurity Apache module through below command:

yum install ea-apache24-mod_security2

Follow below steps to ADD ModSecurity rule :

  1. Click “Add Rule. A new interface will display.
  2. Enter the rule in the “Rule Text text box.
  3. To enable the rule when you deploy the configuration, select the “Enable Rule checkbox.
  4. To deploy the rule and restart Apache immediately, select the “Deploy and Restart Apache checkbox.
  5. Click “Save.

Follow the below steps to EDIT a rule :

  1. Click “Edit ” for the rule that you wish to update.
  2. Make the desired changes in the Rule Text”  text box.
  3. Click “Save“.

Follow the below steps to COPY a rule :

  1. Click “Copy for the rule that you wish to update.
  2. Make any desired changes in the “Rule Text text box.
  3. Click “Save.

Follow the below steps to DELETE a rule :

  1. Click “Delete for the rule that you wish to delete.
  2. Click “Delete to confirm your action.

To enable or disable a ModSecurity rule, click “Enable or “Disable in that rule’s row.

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