How to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version? Print

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Many of our clients asked us how can they downgrade the cPanel/WHM version of their server. Officially cPanel/WHM doesn't offer to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version. So if you wish to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version of your server, you need to edit a file and replace the cPanel/WHM you would like to downgrade. You can call it, a trick. Let's start!

Run the command to check the current version:

cat /usr/local/cpanel/version

Output is:

If you wish to downgrade the version to, run the command:

nano /usr/local/cpanel/version

And replace the version and save it.

Also, modify the file /etc/cpupdate.conf, output below:


Now, update cPanel/WHM with force:

/scripts/upcp --force

Wait a few minutes, once the downgrade will be completed, run the license update command.

In some cases, you've to upcp file to downgrade the cPanel/WHM version. If it is required, contact us directly, we'll be there to help you.

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