How to install ionCube Loader V11 on PHP 7.4 Print

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Recently one of our clients asked us how he can install ionCube loader 11 on his server. Because one of his web applications requires an ionCube loader 11. That's why we're writing the knowledgebase topic for everyone!

First of all, sign in to the server and open the terminal. Run the command (to check if ionCube loader 10 is already installed):

/usr/bin/php -v

If you see the output is: ionCube 10 loader is enabled, then you must remove ionCube loader 10 for the PHP 7.4 first. To remove the already installed ionCube version on PHP 7.4 run the command:

yum remove ea-php74-php-ioncube10.x86_64 -y

Now, run the following command line to install ionCube loader 11:

yum install ea-php74-php-ioncube11.x86_64 -y

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