How to Uninstall ClamAV on a cPanel Server Print

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If you are looking to remove ClamAV from your cPanel server, you can easily do so using the command line. Follow the steps below to uninstall ClamAV:

Step 1: Log in to your cPanel server via SSH using your root login credentials.

Step 2: Once you are logged in, run the following command to remove ClamAV:

yum remove cpanel-clamav -y

This command will uninstall ClamAV and any related packages from your system.

Step 3: After the command completes, verify that ClamAV is no longer installed on your server by running the following command:

which clamscan

If ClamAV is successfully removed, this command will return an empty output.

Congratulations, you have successfully uninstalled ClamAV from your cPanel server.

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